Some modifications for Wordpress


Vinh Nguyen


October 5, 2011

I recently changed my Wordpress theme to Reflex+, a theme that resembles the current look of Google+ and other Google related services. I had to make some manual modifications.

Excerpt vs. full content for each post

On the main index page, you can either show just an excerpt or the full content of each post. I like the full content. To get the index page of your current theme to show the entire content of each post, find a line in ./blog/wp-content/themes/reflex-plus/index.php similar to

and change it to

My changes:

»').''); */ /*vinh: display full content instead of summary */?>
»').''); ?>

Adding instructions or comments to the comments section

I wanted to give instructions on writing Markdown Syntax, source code, and LaTeX near the comments box. I modified ./blog/wp-includes/comment-template.php as follow:

/* 'comment_notes_after' => '

' . sprintf( __( 'You may use these HTML tags and attributes: %s' ), ' =' . allowed_tags() . '=' ) . '

', */ /* vinh */
'comment_notes_after' => '

Use [[][Markdown Syntax]] for markup.
Surround blocks of code with [plain] and [/plain]. For syntax highlighting of specific languages, use the appropriate "brush alias" from [[][this]] list. For example, surround php code with [php] and [/php].
LaTeX code can be surrounded by "backslash left parenthesis" and "backslash right parenthesis" or "backslash left square bracket" and "backslash right square bracket".
